UMN Google Day

Get your G-Suite together!

Organizing & Managing Projects with Google

Ryan Ceresnak, Business Analyst/Project Manager

Project & Work Facilitation, Academic Support Resources - IT

Do your projects turn into total chaos? Are your days filled with organization, collaboration, and communication woes? Is project documentation a hassle for your team? If so, you've come to the right place. Find out how you can leverage the amazing (and free) applications and features of Google Suite to get it together, tame the chaos, and develop effective project management skills for projects of any size. This resource will discuss better collaboration, productivity, and communication with teams and stakeholders both on campus and remote through the use of Google Sites, Google Drive/Shared Drives, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Forms, Google Groups, and third party add-ons (like MindMup and RealtimeBoard). Take away a toolbox of tools, templates, and ideas to make your work more efficient for you and your teams.

Get Your G Suite Together!