P.I. Charter.

Map Marker Filters. Use these menus to filter the map's visible markers. Each menu doubles as a search bar; delete all other content from a box, then type.
Marker and Filter Options. Use these buttons to select all visible map markers, reset all selections, or toggle between scientific and common names.
Table Outputs. Use these buttons to produce lists of lakes or unique taxa in the table or to download the table's contents. Download as .CSV
Map markers indicate lakes with survey data. To view more information, hover over or click a marker (long press and touch on mobile, respectively).
  • If any species protected by Minnesota State or Federal statutes were found in any of the surveys made available on this tab, the names of those taxa have been anonymized (e.g., "Protected Species #1") in strict accordance with the law. As such, the data made available here may underrepresent the diversity and abundance of aquatic plants in the waterbodies for which we have records. However, the unanonymized data are available upon request (use the contact link in the app's footer.).
  • To respect the data sovereignty of Tribal Nations located within Minnesota's boundaries, all records provided to MAISRC for lakes within or intersecting Tribal lands are hidden from detailed public viewing on P.I. Charter (these markers are shown in green in the map on this tab). However, these data are available upon request with the permission from the respective Tribal Nation. If any Tribal Nations wish to make data from their lands publicly visible on P.I. Charter, please contact MAISRC (use the contact link in the app's footer.).
  • The Minnesota DNR has requested that we anonymize all surveyors who participated in a P.I. survey conducted by any of their programs. However, those data are available on request with permission from the respective program. Please contact the supervisor of the appropriate MN DNR program office for more information.
  • All data displayed on P.I. Charter are accurate to the best of our current knowledge and capabilities. However, recognize that errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies may exist in the data presented; all data are made available 'as they are.' Please contact MAISRC to report any potential issues with the data on P.I. Charter using the contact information provided in the app's footer.
  • Submissions must go through a QA/QC process before they are officially added to P.I. Charter's database. As such, the records made available on this tab may not reflect all records we have received to date. Please expect a delay in new submissions being added to this tab; if it has been longer than two weeks since a submission and a record is still not accessible here, however, contact MAISRC using the contact link in the app's footer for an update.

This tab is where we say thanks to everyone who conducted the surveys in our database and also to everyone who graciously submitted those surveys to us. We thank you!



How Do I Use This Tab?

Use this tab to submit new P.I. survey files to MAISRC's database! Below, the app will ask you a set of questions. As you answer, it will display--and even possibly reformat--your data to ensure your data are consistent with our database's requirements. This will enable the app to do most of the processing that MAISRC staff would otherwise have to do 'by hand' to unify your submissions with those of all others we've received. A more detailed, step-by-step tutorial for the usage of the Submissions and Leaderboard tabs of P.I. Charter can be viewed on MAISRC's Youtube channel (closed captioning available; link opens in a new tab). If you are not sure if what you have is a P.I. survey, consult the 'How are P.I. Surveys Different From Other Kinds?' section of the help menu on the 'Overview' tab.

Other usage notes:
  1. There is no way the app can save your progress on a submission so that you can continue it later. Please plan to complete each submission in a single session.
  2. Avoid submitting Excel files containing merged cells; merging is not a feature R interprets correctly.
  3. It is not possible to change specific values inside your data set while using this tab. If you spot an error in your data, fix it in your original file, then restart the submission process.
  4. Note that submitted files will not typically enter our database immediately because they have to first be checked over by MAISRC staff. See the Disclaimers section on the Overview tab for details.

PI survey data fall into three 'types.' We need only some of them...

Your plan: Sample 100 sites in a lake… We’d call these: Do we want 'em?
You find 1+ taxa at 50 sites. “Presences” Yes! These are critical!
You find no plants at 30 sites “Absences” Yes! Where plants aren’t is as important as where they are! Leave these “empty” rows, or mark them in a “no plants found” column.
You don’t sample the other 20 sites. “Non-throws” No! You can remove these rows from your data sheets; alternatively, the app will help you remove them during submission (if it can).
Which lake was surveyed? Start typing a lake name or 8-digit DOW number in the first search box to search our database of lakes, then select your lake from the dropdown menu. Not sure of your lake's name or DOW number? Use LakeFinder to find it!
Download the processed data.
Survey-Specific Taxon Distribution. Use these options to select a survey and taxon to view its distribution on the map or to download the map.
Download Resources. Use these buttons to download the data in the table or to download a directory of P.I. Charter's database's column names. Download data as .CSV Download column name list
  • If any species protected by Minnesota State or Federal statutes were found in any of the surveys made available on this tab, data from those taxa have been redacted in strict accordance with the law. As such, the data made available here may underrepresent the diversity and abundance of aquatic plants in the waterbodies for which we have records. However, the removed data are available upon request; contact MAISRC for more information.
  • To respect the data sovereignty of Tribal Nations located within Minnesota's boundaries, all records provided to MAISRC for lakes within or intersecting Tribal lands are hidden from detailed public viewing on P.I. Charter. However, these data are available upon request with the permission from the respective Tribal Nation. If any Tribal Nations wish to make data from their lands publicly visible on P.I. Charter, please contact MAISRC.
  • The Minnesota DNR has requested that we anonymize all surveyors who participated in a P.I. survey conducted by any of their programs. However, those data are available on request with permission from the respective program. Please contact the supervisor of the appropriate MN DNR program office for more information.
  • All data displayed on P.I. Charter are accurate to the best of our current knowledge and capabilities. However, recognize that errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies may exist in the data presented; all data are made available 'as they are.' Please contact MAISRC to report any potential issues with the data on P.I. Charter.
  • Submissions must go through a QA/QC process before they are officially added to P.I. Charter's database. As such, the records made available on this tab may not reflect all records we have received to date. Please expect a delay in new submissions being added to this tab; if it has been longer than two weeks since a submission and a record is still not accessible here, however, contact MAISRC.