Book Giveaway For None of This Is Normal: The Fiction of Jeff VanderMeer

  • None of This Is Normal by Benjamin J. Robertson
    None of This Is Normal: The Fiction of Jeff VanderMeer

    Release date: Nov 01, 2018
    Enter for a chance to win one of 10 advance copies of the first book-length study of Jeff VanderMeer's writing. With a focus on the Southern Reach Tri ...more
    How the otherworldly worlds created by the author of the Southern Reach Trilogy speak to—and even affect—our own
    If ever a moment and a writer were mad

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 10 copies available, 1072 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Aug 01 - Aug 30, 2018

    Countries available: U.S.

  • Winners

    Jessica, Daniel Williams, Holli Dawn, Sheri , The Mad Zymurgist, Stephanie, Rik, Suzi, Glenda

    1,072 people entered this giveaway

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    UMinnPress 92 books
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