1950 Full Count Census: Feedback 
The preliminary version of the 1950 full count census data is now available from IPUMS USABefore using the 1950 preliminary file, review known irregularities and limitationsWe have funding for 3 more years to continue making improvements to the data, and we'll be working on these issues.

Please use this form to alert us to data quality issues you encounter in the data. Data quality issues may include incorrect coding, peculiar data distributions, incorrect household breaks, or systematic data transcription problems. This information can help guide our next steps for data improvements. We will track this information and share commonly noted issues.

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Have you used any of the following IPUMS microdata
Share any data quality issues in the 1950 full count data *
Data quality issues may include incorrect coding, peculiar data distributions, systematic incorrect household breaks, or systematic data transcription problems. Please do not note specific individual transcription issues. 
Any other suggestions about using full count data?
Besides the data issues noted above, do you have other suggestions for making full count data easier to use?
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