Youth Commitment:
As a camp counselor, I commit myself to:
Attend camp counselor trainings
Attend additional counselor trainings as scheduled
Abide by the expectations laid out in the Code of Conduct found on the MN 4-H website
Set a good example by not using profanity, negative language, or telling off-color jokes or stories
Never punish a camper by ridicule or physical punishment - patience and understanding works wonders in youth development
Create an atmosphere of fun and friendship and keep a cheerful and positive attitude
Get to know the members of my camper group the best I can and help them to get acquainted with one another and the other counselors
Treat all campers fairly and with respect and see that all campers become involved and have a part in each activity
Give up my personal interests so the needs of the campers can be met
Willingly assist those in charge of the camp and be prompt for all meetings, meals, and activities. Help maintain the location and room environment (pre and post camp clean up)
Ask adults for advice and help if I cannot handle a camp situation
Remain in cabin with campers after lights out
Remain with/be aware of campers at all times other than designated counselor breaks
Actively participate in all aspects of the camp with a positive attitude
Use appropriate boundaries between campers, staff, and other counselors
Absolutely no physical relations among counselors and/or staff. Further, opposite sex campers and counselors are not permitted in each other’s cabins at any time
Be an active member of a counselor team that supports, encourages, and respects the thoughts, ideas, and work styles of other team members