4-H Camp Counselor Application 2025 - Youth @ Camp Victory & Teen @ Chester Woods Park
Complete this form by Saturday, February 15, 2025

Camp dates for both Youth Camp (gr 3-5) & Teen Camp (gr 6-8): 
June 10-12, 2025

Counselors must plan to arrive at camp on June 9th.

Campers will arrive on June 10th and will be there until June 12th. 

You must have completed 9th grade by summer 2025 to be a counselor for Youth Camp, and completed 10th grade by summer 2025 to be a counselor for Teen Camp.

***AGAIN this year!***

Teen Camp will be at Chester Woods Park! Please note that for this location, campers and counselors will be sleeping in tents.

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Email *
 I am a: *
If a returning counselor, how many years have you been a counselor (prior to this year)?

4-H Member Name (First and Last)

Cell Phone:

Complete Mailing Address

County *

Your age on June 10, 2025

Current Grade in School *

T-shirt Size

Parent's email *
Parent/Guardian name(s) *
Parent/Guardian cell

Please choose the camp session you are applying to be a counselor:

For those considering being a teen camp counselor only:   I understand that all campers and counselors will be sleeping in tents, more than one of our meals will be prepared via campfire/outdoor cooking methods and that we are planning to hold camp at Chester Woods Park in Olmsted County.
What ideas do you have for a 2025 camp theme?

Examples from previous years are:
Summer Sizzlin' 
You hold the key to your power
SPLASH (Summer Party of Learning, Art, STEM, & Happiness)
Go for Green in 2014 (Olympics)
Gear Into 4-H - Gadgets, Gizmos, & Go
The Best of the Best in the Wild West
Spark your Magic Within
Mission Possible
Choose Your Adventure

Please select the following certifications you have (if any)

Camp Counselor Training

If you are chosen to be a camp counselor, you will have trainings that you are required to attend.  In order to be a counselor, you MUST be able to attend the first training.  As a group, we will determine the remaining training dates based on schedules and the needs for camp.

I can attend the day-long training on Saturday, April 5, 2025 (Steele County Community Center, Owatonna - 10 am to 2 pm).


Describe any previous experience you have as a counselor, working at camps, etc. …


Have you attended a camp before?  If so, please describe the camp and your experience (what you learned, what you enjoyed most, etc.)


What personal strengths make you the best applicant to be selected as a camp counselor and why?


Please describe other youth leadership experiences you have had in your club or county, within 4-H or outside of 4-H.  


If selected, how will you work to make the camp experience fun and meaningful for campers, while also growing as a leader yourself?


Youth Commitment:

As a camp counselor, I commit myself to:

Attend camp counselor trainings

Attend additional counselor trainings as scheduled

Abide by the expectations laid out in the Code of Conduct found on the MN 4-H website

Set a good example by not using profanity, negative language, or telling off-color jokes or stories

Never punish a camper by ridicule or physical punishment - patience and understanding works wonders in youth development

Create an atmosphere of fun and friendship and keep a cheerful and positive attitude

Get to know the members of my camper group the best I can and help them to get acquainted with one another and the other counselors

Treat all campers fairly and with respect and see that all campers become involved and have a part in each activity

Give up my personal interests so the needs of the campers can be met

Willingly assist those in charge of the camp and be prompt for all meetings, meals, and activities.  Help maintain the location and room environment (pre and post camp clean up)

Ask adults for advice and help if I cannot handle a camp situation

Remain in cabin with campers after lights out

Remain with/be aware of campers at all times other than designated counselor breaks

Actively participate in all aspects of the camp with a positive attitude

Use appropriate boundaries between campers, staff, and other counselors

Absolutely no physical relations among counselors and/or staff.  Further, opposite sex campers and counselors are not permitted in each other’s cabins at any time

Be an active member of a counselor team that supports, encourages, and respects the thoughts, ideas, and work styles of other team members  


Parent/Guardian Commitment:

I agree that my child can attend camp counselor trainings and serve as a camp counselor according to the stated commitments. 

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