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Calix,Brenda VETMD Veterinary Medical Ctr 0 5091 Pharmacy Technician 05-25-2018 1214 X P12 40.00
8008678 VETMD Veterinary Medical Ctr 0 8221PRFin Pro 1-Purchasing 09-20-2021 217 X P12 40.00
VETMD Veterinary Medical Ctr 0 8221PRFin Pro 1-Purchasing 04-25-2022 196 X P12 40.00
VETMD Veterinary Medical Ctr 0 8221PRFin Pro 1-Purchasing 11-07-2022 280 X P12 40.00
Integrative Biology/Physiolo 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 08-14-2023 506 1 P12 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 506
Total seniority days for Jobcode 5091 1214
Total seniority days for Jobcode 8221PR 693
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 2413
Hagen,Tamera Lynn Geological Survey, MN 0 8205 Executive Assistant 05-19-2009 0 1 A 40.00
2477076 Geological Survey, MN 0 1858 Principal Accounts Specialist 05-19-2009 179 1 A 40.00
Human Resources, Office of 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 11-14-2009 0 1 A 40.00
Human Resources, Office of 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 11-16-2009 1967 1 A 40.00
Human Resources, Office of 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 04-06-2015 43 1 A 40.00
Total Compensation 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 05-19-2015 472 1 P12 40.00
Medicine 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 10-10-2016 302 1 P12 40.00
Medicine 0 4913 Community Health Assistant 08-08-2017 132 1 P12 30.00
HLSCI ACA Support 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 12-18-2017 1785 1 P12 36.00
CEHD Administration 0 8222FGFin Pro 2-Fin Gnrlst 11-07-2022 296 X P12 40.00
Genetics, Cell Biol, Dev MED 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 08-30-2023 490 1 P12 40.00
Lab Medicine/Pathology 400 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 12-28-2004 433 1 A 30.00
Report ID: UMHRR003 SENIORITY ROSTER AS OF: 12/31/2024 Page No. 184
Database: HRPRD Run Date 01/21/2025
Run Time 14:45:32
Bargaining Unit: Clerical and Office
Reporting Unit: 0618 Medical School - Unit 2
Empl Job Effective Days Sen Pay Hours
Employee Name Employing Entity / ZDeptID Rcd# Code Jobcode Title Date Accrued Type Grp Per Week
Note: Total University Seniority days represent the total days of University service in positions eligible for seniority up to the
effective date of the roster.
Total Seniority days for jobcode represent the days of classification seniority up to the effective date of the roster.
Time in classifications outside the bargaining unit may be represented by Non-Academic classification, Academic classification, or
Student classification.
*Number of seniority days credited for work on hourly appointments. @ = 3 year break in service.
~~~~ Office Of Human Resources ~~~~
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Old Jobcode 1834
Lab Medicine/Pathology 400 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 03-06-2006 1028 1 A 30.00
Lab Medicine/Pathology 400 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 12-28-2008 8 1 A 40.00
Disability Resource Center 400 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 01-05-2009 121 1 B 40.00
Disability Resource Center 401 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 12-22-2008 0 1 A 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1858 179
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 4374
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 2275
Total seniority days for Jobcode 4913 132
Total seniority days for Jobcode 8205 0
Total seniority days for Jobcode 8222FG 296
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 7256
8019996 Integrative Biology/Physiolo 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 01-30-2023 702 1 P12 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 702
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 702
Moravec,Amanda Biochem,Molec Biol,Biophy ME 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 02-13-2023 14 1 P12 30.00
3989064 Biochem,Molec Biol,Biophy ME 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 02-27-2023 170 1 P12 40.00
Biochem,Molec Biol,Biophy ME 0 1858 Principal Accounts Specialist 08-16-2023 504 1 P12 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1858 504
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 184
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 688
5477407 Genetics, Cell Biol, Dev MED 0 1897 Program/Project Specialist 11-21-2023 407 1 P12 40.00
Report ID: UMHRR003 SENIORITY ROSTER AS OF: 12/31/2024 Page No. 185
Database: HRPRD Run Date 01/21/2025
Run Time 14:45:32
Bargaining Unit: Clerical and Office
Reporting Unit: 0618 Medical School - Unit 2
Empl Job Effective Days Sen Pay Hours
Employee Name Employing Entity / ZDeptID Rcd# Code Jobcode Title Date Accrued Type Grp Per Week
Note: Total University Seniority days represent the total days of University service in positions eligible for seniority up to the
effective date of the roster.
Total Seniority days for jobcode represent the days of classification seniority up to the effective date of the roster.
Time in classifications outside the bargaining unit may be represented by Non-Academic classification, Academic classification, or
Student classification.
*Number of seniority days credited for work on hourly appointments. @ = 3 year break in service.
~~~~ Office Of Human Resources ~~~~
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Total seniority days for Jobcode 1897 407
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 407
8024467 Integrative Biology/Physiolo 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 07-03-2024 182 1 P12 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 182
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 182
8021795 Genetics, Cell Biol, Dev MED 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 08-16-2023 504 1 P12 40.00
Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 504
Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 504
Report ID: UMHRR003 SENIORITY ROSTER AS OF: 12/31/2024 Page No. 186
Database: HRPRD Run Date 01/21/2025
Run Time 14:45:32
Bargaining Unit: Clerical and Office
Reporting Unit: 0618 Medical School - Unit 2
Empl Job Effective Days Sen Pay Hours
Employee Name Employing Entity / ZDeptID Rcd# Code Jobcode Title Date Accrued Type Grp Per Week
Note: Total University Seniority days represent the total days of University service in positions eligible for seniority up to the
effective date of the roster.
Total Seniority days for jobcode represent the days of classification seniority up to the effective date of the roster.
Time in classifications outside the bargaining unit may be represented by Non-Academic classification, Academic classification, or
Student classification.
*Number of seniority days credited for work on hourly appointments. @ = 3 year break in service.
~~~~ Office Of Human Resources ~~~~