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Dewing,Sandy Kay Sponsored Projects Admin 0 1826 Prin Ofc & Admin Specialist 06-23-1980 953 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1832

1481488 Sponsored Projects Admin 0 1811 Office Support Assistant 02-01-1983 409 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1836

Sponsored Projects Admin 0 1826 Prin Ofc & Admin Specialist 03-16-1984 311 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1837

Pharmacy Administration 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 01-21-1985 3512 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1833

Pediatrics 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 09-04-2001 1014 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1834

Pharmacy, College of 0 8201 Associate Administrator 06-14-2004 4158 1 A 40.00

PHARM Medicinal Chemistry 0 8208A2Administrative Associate 2 11-02-2015 1900 X P12 40.00

PHARM Medicinal Chemistry 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 03-14-2022 1024 1 P12 40.00

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1811 409

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1826 1264

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 5550

Total seniority days for Jobcode 8201 4158

Total seniority days for Jobcode 8208A2 1900

Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 13281


Hokanson,Amanda PHARM Pharmaceutics 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 12-07-2015 3255 1 P12 40.00

3341738 PHARM Pharmaceutics 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 11-04-2024 58 1 P12 40.00

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 3313

Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 3313


Niemeier,Jennifer A Professional Education 0 1865 Executive Oper/Stud Svs Spec 11-17-2014 140 1 A 40.00

5180761 Professional Education 0 1865 Executive Oper/Stud Svs Spec 04-06-2015 84 1 A 40.00


Report ID: UMHRR003 SENIORITY ROSTER AS OF: 12/31/2024 Page No. 222

Database: HRPRD Run Date 01/21/2025

Run Time 14:45:32

Bargaining Unit: Clerical and Office

Reporting Unit: 0623 College of Pharmacy (COP)

Empl Job Effective Days Sen Pay Hours

Employee Name Employing Entity / ZDeptID Rcd# Code Jobcode Title Date Accrued Type Grp Per Week



Note: Total University Seniority days represent the total days of University service in positions eligible for seniority up to the

effective date of the roster.

Total Seniority days for jobcode represent the days of classification seniority up to the effective date of the roster.

Time in classifications outside the bargaining unit may be represented by Non-Academic classification, Academic classification, or

Student classification.

*Number of seniority days credited for work on hourly appointments. @ = 3 year break in service.

~~~~ Office Of Human Resources ~~~~

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~~ Continued From Previous Page ~~

PHARM Professional Education 0 1865 Executive Oper/Stud Svs Spec 06-29-2015 294 1 P12 40.00

PHARM Professional Education 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 04-18-2016 3180 1 P12 40.00

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1865 518

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 3180

Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 3698


Palapala,Becky Lib Arts External Relations 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 09-15-2008 2394 1 A 40.00

3690053 Lib Arts External Relations 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 04-06-2015 84 1 A 40.00

CLA Institutional Advancemen 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 06-29-2015 665 1 P12 40.00

PHARM Experimental&Clin Phar 0 1897 Program/Project Specialist 04-24-2017 2809 1 P12 40.00

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 3143

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1897 2809

Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 5952


Stapic,Erica Rae Flynn Pharmacy, College of 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 10-31-2005 126 1 A 40.00

Old Jobcode 1833

2511497 Pharmacy, College of 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 03-06-2006 697 1 A 40.00

Pharmaceutics 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 02-01-2008 1690 1 A 40.00

Pharmaceutics 0 1885 Executive Ofc and Admin Spec 09-17-2012 721 1 A 10.00

PHARM Medicinal Chemistry 0 1888 Executive Accounts Specialist 02-27-2023 674 1 P12 20.00

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1885 3234

Total seniority days for Jobcode 1888 674

Total University seniority days(including time outside the bargaining unit): 3908



Report ID: UMHRR003 SENIORITY ROSTER AS OF: 12/31/2024 Page No. 223

Database: HRPRD Run Date 01/21/2025

Run Time 14:45:32

Bargaining Unit: Clerical and Office

Reporting Unit: 0623 College of Pharmacy (COP)

Empl Job Effective Days Sen Pay Hours

Employee Name Employing Entity / ZDeptID Rcd# Code Jobcode Title Date Accrued Type Grp Per Week



Note: Total University Seniority days represent the total days of University service in positions eligible for seniority up to the

effective date of the roster.

Total Seniority days for jobcode represent the days of classification seniority up to the effective date of the roster.

Time in classifications outside the bargaining unit may be represented by Non-Academic classification, Academic classification, or

Student classification.

*Number of seniority days credited for work on hourly appointments. @ = 3 year break in service.

~~~~ Office Of Human Resources ~~~~