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The UMN Chinese Flagship (CFS) program is funded by a competitive multimillion-dollar federal grant and sponsored by the UMN’s Provost Office and the College of Liberal Arts. Our mission is to implement new paradigms for advanced language and culture education, advance student excellence in academic and professional training, and build partnerships with communities, overseas universities, and professional organizations.


Meet a Member of the Team

Director Ning Ma

Director Ning Ma joined the Department of Asian Languages and Literatures (ALL) at UMN in 2017. In addition to leading CFS, she is an associate professor of Chinese and comparative literature. Her most recent book, The Age of Silver: The Rise of the Novel East and West (Oxford University Press, 2016), reexamines East Asian and Western European narrative masterpieces in the global context of early modern trade. A Beijing native and a cross-cultural traveler herself, she is eager to integrate culture and language in the Flagship curriculum and believes in a student-driven approach.  

Read more about Professor Ma’s research

作为中文领航项目的主任,马宁教授于2017年加入明尼苏达大学亚洲语言文学系。在带领中文领航项目的同时,她是一名研究中国文学与比较文学的学者,任职副教授。 她最新出版的书籍《白银时代:东西方小说的崛起》(牛津大学出版社,2016)在早期现代贸易的全球化视野下重新审视东方与西方的叙事名著。她希望通过中文领航项目将文化与语言学习整合起来,并坚信以学生为导向的项目发展模式。

Curriculum Highlight

Flagship Chinese for Professional Purposes

In spring semester 2018, CFS launched a 2-course series across the academic year: “Flagship Chinese for Professional Purposes” and “Flagship Chinese for Academic Purposes.” In the “Professional Purposes” course taught last spring, students participated in a professional Chinese simulation project, which was coordinated between the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center and four Chinese Flagship programs across the nation. The project simulated a real-life work environment in which students practiced the scenario of applying for and working with a Chinese business called “Green Ideas.” Through working collaboratively, dealing with authentic language situations, and relying on their professional skill set, students prepared for their future ventures into the international workforce.

2018年春季学期,中文领航项目推出了两门针对领航学生的课程:”领航职业汉语”和“领航学术汉语”。在春季学期的“领航职业汉语”课程中,学生参加了一个虚拟求职项目。 该项目由语言领航技术创新中心设计,并由全美四个中文领航项目组织协调。 这个项目模拟了真实的职场环境。参加课程的学生申请一所名为“绿色理念”的中国企业的职位,并参与该公司的工作项目。通过协同合作,处理真实语境下的工作任务,以及运用职业技能,领航学生们向成为国际化人才的目标迈进了一步。

Student Spotlight

Cholan Zheng: Princeton US-China Coalition

The 2018 Princeton US-China Coalition marked the third annual occasion in which fifteen American and Chinese students from the two countries’ top universities were invited to the Princeton campus to learn, negotiate, and build friendships through a four-day conference. CFS’s very own Cholan Zheng was nominated as a delegate at this prestigious event. During the conference, guest speakers including well-known entrepreneurs and authors shared their knowledge and expertise on U.S.-China topics with student delegates.

At the end of the conference Natalie Nagorski, the Conference Director, noted that her mission is to build a bridge between China and the United States. Cholan Zheng reflected on the importance of this sentiment, stating, “As a Chinese-American and a Flagship student at the University of Minnesota, I have the unique opportunity to act as a bridge between these two nations and cultures. But this responsibility does not fall on Chinese-Americans alone. Everyone who understands and cares about both countries can become a bridge, no matter where they are from or where they were born.”


在会议接近尾声时,会议主管Natalie Nagorski发表讲话,提出她的使命是建立中美两国联系的桥梁。郑楚连认同这种联系的重要性,他说:“作为一名华裔美国人和明大中文领航项目的学生,我拥有难得的机会来充当中美两个国家与文化之间的桥梁。但这不只是华裔美国人的责任。不管你来自哪里,在哪里出生,每一个理解并关心这两个国家的人都可以成为同样的桥梁。”

Past Community Events

Meeting Senator Klobuchar

In February 2018, CFS's Associate Director Yao Tu and ALL Chinese instructor Wei-Hsuan Lo were pleased to present calligraphic gifts to Senator Amy Klobuchar at a Chinese New Year festival held at Minnesota International Chinese School, an event with over 3,000 in attendance. Senator Klobuchar supported the importance of language learning for building bridges between cultures. In her comments at the event, she stated, “My goal is for us to increase meaningful cross-culture dialogues in this increasingly interconnected world.”
会见参议员Amy Klobuchar

2018年2月在明州国际中文学校举办的中国春节晚会上, 明大中文领航项目的副主任涂遥和亚洲语言文学系中文老师罗伟瑄很荣幸能为参议员Amy Klobuchar送上书法礼物。这场活动有超过3000人参与。 参议院议员Klobuchar赞同语言学习对于构建跨文化桥梁的重要性。 在活动的致辞中,她表示:“我们的目标是在这个日益互联的世界里增加有意义的跨文化交流。”

Chinese Melodrama at Mall of America

In February 2018, six brave students from third-year UMN Chinese language classes and the Flagship program took the stage at the Mall of America Chinese New Year celebration to perform a talk show they created, “Learning Chinese Is Fun.” Directed by ALL instructor Chi-Ping Li, the show was a parody of media representations of modern romance in China. From a melodramatic reenactment of a scene from a Chinese romantic TV drama to a sneak peek into the world of dating competition shows, the talk show depicted both absurdity and dedication in the modern search for love. The show ended with all six students singing a traditional New Year’s song. Their enthusiasm was so infectious that the audience joined in and clapped along, bringing our community closer in more ways than one.


Alumni Report

Mason Williams on Capstone Experience

As the culminating project of their Flagship program, Flagship students spend a year at affiliated Chinese universities to take direct-enrollment college courses, and work in internship positions related to their professional goals. This is known as the program’s “capstone year,” from which students graduate with superior-level language proficiency and overseas working experiences.  

In 2017, CFS student Mason Williams enrolled during his capstone year at the elite Nanjing University, which was founded in 1902 and has a long history as one of China’s leading research institutions. Not only is this prestigious university an asset to our students, the city of Nanjing provides the excitement of a large global city as well as the living history of one of China’s oldest great cities.

During the spring semester, while taking rigorous language courses at Nanjing University, Mason volunteered at the Yuehua Retirement Home. There he read newspapers to residents, attended to them on walks, and even joined them in their regular Mahjong games. His proudest accomplishment was receiving the “Outstanding Volunteer of the Year” award from Yuehua Retirement Home, which recognizes his dedication to the retirement home.

The Capstone experience requires Flagship students to apply for and work in competitive internship positions across professional fields. For his internship during the fall semester, Mason traveled to Beijing and worked for a Minnesota-based multinational corporation. This gave him the chance to build professional experience and technical vocabulary. Reflecting on his experience, he said, “As I was the first ‘foreigner’ to work in their branch, all of my work was conducted in Chinese. This included research, data analysis, presentations, and partner visits.”

Upon returning to the U.S., Mason has launched his career with an international consulting firm in the Twin Cities. He noted, “The experiences I had during my Flagship experience will be critical when communicating with clients and navigating in an unfamiliar environment.” His long-term goal is to leverage his language skills and cultural expertise to help bridge communication barriers between US companies and their China-based branches.

Visit the Nanjing Chinese Flagship Center website


2017年,来自明大中文领航项目的学生王一鸣在他的顶石之年入读了南京大学。南京大学建立于1902年,是中国一流的研究型学府,具有深厚的文化底蕴。久负盛名的南京大学为学生们带来了许多有利条件。同时, 在南京学生们可以接触国际化大都市令人兴奋的环境,以及一座中国古老名城的鲜活历史。



返美后, 王一鸣已开始在双城地区的一所国际咨询公司工作。他表示,“我在中文领航项目所获得的经历将在与客户沟通和在应对陌生的环境方面发挥重要的作用。” 他的长期目标是利用自己的语言技能和文化专长帮助美国公司与中国分公司沟通,以消除双方在语言文化方面的障碍。

Housed in the Department of Asian Languages and Literatures (ALL), the UMN Chinese Flagship program is open to all UMN students who meet eligibility requirements. (Learn how to apply.)

明尼苏达大学中文领航项目隶属于亚洲语言文学系。该项目面向所有符合申请条件的明大学生开放。 (了解申请程序。)
Chinese Flagship Program
220 Folwell Hall, 9 Pleasant St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 \ \ 612-625-6534