Jiacheng Yuan

Ph.D. candidate, Robotic Sensor Networks Lab

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota

I am currently a Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. My advisor is Dr. Volkan Isler. I work on reinforcement learning, robotic manipulation, and computer vision.

My research topics include both indoor robotic manipulation and field robotics for precision agriculture, with a focus on designing algorithms that enable robot systems to overcome challenges in everyday applications, especially in unstructured environments.

I obtained my B.S. in Optical Engineering from Nanjing University and joined the University of Minnesota in 2016. I worked on Opto-electronics for about 2 years before deciding to pursue my passion and switching my research field to robotics. In September 2018, I joined the RSN lab and started working with Dr. Volkan Isler.

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