North Shore Homeowners Guide to Managing Stormwater

A wide angle view of Lake Superior with a rocky shore in the foreground and wave breaking over rocks; trees and a lighthouse are visible in the distance; the sky is cloudy with puffy clouds

Lake Superior near Split Rock Lighthouse (Photo courtesy of MPCA Flickr)

Waterfalls cascading down narrow rocky canyon

High Falls on the Pigeon River (photo courtesy of MPCA flickr)

A Region of Superior Water

The North Shore of Lake Superior is known for its lush forests and freshwater. As we all know, water is one of the most important natural resources we have on Earth. We use water to clean, drink, water our plants, and much more. In areas with large volumes of freshwater, such as the Great Lakes, water does more than just, well, water. Communities rely on the Great Lakes as a source of drinking water, food, recreation, jobs, spirituality, and culture. Water supports large industries like fishing, shipping, tourism, and other livelihoods. Without clean water, life could not go on.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Thankfully, through simple and effective Green Stormwater Infrastructure management practices, the way we manage and care for our properties can benefit the entire watershed. Planting trees and rain gardens, using green roofs and vegetated swales, and installing pervious pavers and rain barrels, are all natural solutions to water pollution. Not only do these green practices protect and restore clean water naturally, your property will benefit from them too! 

Watercolor illustration of a home with solar panels, garage with green roof, and a lush green lawn and flower gardens

Home depicting a variety of green stormwater infrastructure practices (water color illustration by Maury Aaseng)